Bacon-wrapped Pork Tenderloin

This is the season for spending time with loved ones, and what better way is there to enjoy your time together than over a delicious meal? Not only is this dish delicious, but it’s simple to prepare and tastes decadent.


* 1 pork tenderloin, cleaned and trimmed
* 3 slices of bacon
* 2 tablespoon of Special Shit
* 1 teaspoon dried crumbled leaf basil
* 1/2 teaspoon dried crumbled leaf oregano


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Combine Special Shit, basil, oregano and sprinkle all over the pork tenderloin.
3. Wrap pork with bacon and secure with toothpicks.
4. Coat well with olive oil.
5. Place in a 9x13 pan and bake uncovered for 45 to 60 minutes, or until pork reaches about 155 degrees. Make sure the bacon is really done. Remove and wrap in foil. Let stand for 10 minutes before slicing.